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Samo jedan dan pre najromantičnijeg dana u godini,13. februara u bioskope širom sveta stiže dugo očekivani film ‚‚50 nijansi sive‚ , ‚ filmska adaptacija istoimenog bestselera koji je postao globalni fenomen. Trilogija ‚‚50 nijansi‚‚ prevedena je na 51 svetski jezik i prodata u vise od 100 miliona primeraka štampanih ili elektronskih knjiga što je čini jednom od najbrže prodatih izdanja svih vremena.
Just one day before the most romantic day of the year, on February 13th,  in movie theaters around the world comes the long-awaited film “50 shades of gray“ a film adaptation of the eponymous bestseller that has become a global phenomenon. Trilogy“50 shades “ has been translated into 51 foreign languages and sold more than 100 million copies of printed or ebooks which makes it one of the fastest-selling edition in United Kingdom of all time. 


Inspirisani klasicnom elegancijom i ukusom koja odgovara stilu prefinjenog milionera, David i Sandy Wasco,iskusni holivudski scenografi vešto su kreirali ambijent luskuznog sveta koji savršeno odgovara karakteru gospodina Greja za jedan od najocekivanijih filmova godine “50 nijansi siva“.

Inspired by the classic elegance and style that suits the taste of refined young billionaire , David i Sandy Wasco, experienced Hollywood set designers skillfully created ambience of a luxury world that perfectly fits the character of Mr. Gray for one of the most anticipated films of the year “ 50 shades of gray“

‚‚Njegovi prostori su strogo kontrolisani, umetnicka dela i nameštaj, arhitektura sve je pazljivo smišljeno i neosporno prefinjeno ali potpuno odvojeno od bilo kakvih osesanja osim izolovane rezervisanosti‚‚
David Wasco, scenograf za Vanity Fair


“His spaces are tightly controlled, the art and furnishings, the architecture, all deliberately chosen with an undeniable sophistication but completely devoid of feeling other than an isolated aloofness.”
David Wasco, production designer for Vanity Fair


Brendovi BrabbuBoca Do Lobo,  Koket & DelightFull su u svetu nameštaja sinonim luksuz, vrhunski dizajn i kvalitet. Njihovi fantastični, provokativni i zavodljivi komadi nameštaja ilustruju moderan životni stil gopodina Greja u filmu ‚‚50 nijansi sive‚‚ Vanvremenski komadi nameštaja koji savršeno odgovaraju priči, unose strast i daju lični pečat svakoj sceni.

Brands BrabbuBoca Do Lobo,  Koket & DelightFull are in the world of furniture an epitome of luxury, exclusive design and quality. . Their fantastic, provocative and seductive pieces of furniture were selected to illustrate the modern lifestyle of Mr. Gray in the movie “50 shades of gray“,  timeless pieces of furniture that perfectly match the story, and bring passion and give a personal touch to every scene.


BRABBU je dizajnerski  brend koji oslikava intenzivan način savremenog života, sjaj i moć urbanog  stila.  Raznovrsni komadi nameštaja, detalji i aksesaori  inspirisani su pričama, bojama, mirisma i ukusima prorode i ljudi iz raznih krajeva sveta.Sirove forme naglasavaju divlju prirodu na elegantan nacin i savrseno su uklopljene sa jednostavnim linijama, finim materijalima i modernim stilom enterijera stana gospodina Greja.

BRABBU is a design brand that reflects an intense way of living, bringing fierceness, strenght and power into an urban lifestyle. We design and produce a diverse range of furniture, casegoods, upholstery, lighting, rugs, art and accessories that tells stories from the nature and the world. Raw forms emphasize the wild nature in an elegant way and are perfectly blended with clear lines, elegant materials and modern interior design of of Mr. Grays apartment.



Elegantna forma fotelje EANDA koja je asimetrično postavljena u ambijentu antrea naglašava strast ljubavnog odnosa u prelepoj kombinaciji drveta ebonovine najfinijeg sivog satena.

Elegant form of EANDA armchair which is asymmetrically placed in the hall ambinet emphasizes the passion of love relationship in a beautiful combination of ebony and finest gray satin.




Zidne svetiljke VELLUM od kovanog mesinga predstavljaju eleganciju prirode koja se transformiše u rukama čoveka. Simetrično postavljene one naglašavaju prirodni sklad i ljubav izmedju musškarca i žene.

VELLUM wall lamp in hammered brass represent the elegance of nature, which is transformed in the hands of man. Symmetrically placed emphasize the natural harmony and love between men & women.


BocaDoLobo_Avenue 1

AVENUE je savršeno luksuzan detalj koji je se diskretno ističe pored impozantnog stepeništa. U simboličnoj igri svetlosti i senke mistično su naglašeni asimetrični paneli kreiraju geometrijski mozaik od raznovrsnih materijala i obrada uklopljenih u skladnu celinu.

AVENUE folding screen is perfectly luxurious detail that is discreetly highlights besides the majestic staircase. In symbolic play of light and shadow mystical are accentuated asymmetric panels create a geometric mosaic of different materials and processing embedded into a harmonious whole.

BocaDoLobo_Avenue 2

‚‚Anin svet je sladak, šarmantan i skroman dok je Kristijanov svet ogroman stan i bilo je zanimljivo kreirati ta dva sveta i nacin na koji se sudare‚‚
Sam Taylor Jonhson, rediteljka za Harpers Bazaar


“Anna`s  world is the sweet charming existence and the Cristian`s world is huge volume in that apartment  just creates the diference of two worlds I how they collide ‚‚
Sam Taylor Jonhson, director for Harpers Bazaar

02_Living Space

Sto SEQUIOIA ističe moćni karakter gospodina Greja kroz  simboliku snage & pripadnosti najvećim i najvišim. Naglašena tekstura i godovi na ploči stola simbolizuju prolaznost vremena, a telo stola od sjajnog mesinga predstavlja večnost. 

SEQUIOIA table highlights the powerful character of Mr. Gray & through the symbolism of belonging to the largest and highest. Accentuated texture and rings on the tabletop symbolize the transience of time and the body of the table of polished brass represents eternity.

BOCA DO LOBO ekskluzivni komadi nameštaja predstavljaju nezaboravno emotivno iskustvo, strast prema vrhunskom dizajnu & ljubav talentovanih portugalskuh majstora koji ručno izradjuju svaki komad. Mudrost stečenu godinama iskustva oni vešto kombinuju sa tradicionalnim tehinkama izrade nameštaja i najmodernijim tehnološkim metodama obrade materijala  proizvodeći komade nameštaja koji postaju sinonim za vanvremenski luksuz.

BOCA DO LOBO exclusive pieces of furniture are exclusive emotional experience, a sense of belonging & a state of mind. Passionately inspired with love and handcrafted in Portugal by talented craftsmen who hand-made eacj piece. Artisan’s wisdom gained years of experience they skillfully combined with traditional making furniture and modern technological methods of processing materials producing pieces of furniture that have become synonymous with timeless luxury.

BocaDoLobo_Symphony 1

Inspirisana muzikom  ekstravagantna komoda SYMPHONY naglašava sudar dva sveta, kroz kontrast prefinjenog zlatnog sjaja i zatvorenih tamnih nijansi crne boje.

Inspired by music extravagant sideboard SYMPHONY emphasizes the collision of two worlds, by contrast of sophisticated golden shine and deep black.

BocaDoLobo_Symphony 2

“Kvalitet umetnicke kolekcije Kristija Greja bio je veoma vazan segment scenografije.  Pored Kristijanovog statusa u društvu morao je da istakne i njegov istancan ukus vrsnog poznavaoca moderne umetnosti iako je veoma mlad.‚‚
David Wasco, scenograf za Vanity Fair


“The quality of Christian’s art collection was very important to Sam, as it had to reflect his status, his connoisseurship, and his youth.” 
David Wasco, production designer for Vanity Fair

Movie set_koket 1

Tamna površina mermernog poda i beli zidovi ističu u prvi plan  prefinjene komadi nameštaja & kolekciju moderne umetnosti dostojnu mladog milionera.

The dark surface of the marble floor and white walls point out the sophisticated pieces of furniture & collection of modern art in style of young billionaire.

Dramatična estetika I vrhunski dizajn komada brenda KOKET ističe snažan karakter, strast I ljubav kroz svaki detalj savršenih komada nameštaja. Osnivač I kreativna direktorka Janet Morais je inspirativan spoj mode i dizajna pretvorila u fantsatične komade nameštaja koji nose energiju New York-a i glamur Pariza.

The dramatic and edgy design esthetics pieces of brand KOKET highlights strong character, passion and love through every detail. Founder and creative director Janet Morais is an inspiring blend of fashion and design turned into haute couture pieces of furniture with the the energy of New York and the glamor of Paris.

Koket_burlesque HQ

Ekstravagantan dizajn komode BURLESQUE inspirisan je Francuskim kabareom. Akrobacije poliranih mesinganih obruča, top sa fiokama obradjen u crnoj koži simbolično oslikava odnos Kristijana i Ane.

Extravagant design console BURLESQUE inspired by the French cabaret. Acrobatics of polished brass loops & spins are paired with black  leather symbolically portrays the relationship Christian and Anna.

Koket_burlesque detail HQ

DELIGHTFULL svetiljke odražavaju karakter, stanje uma I jake emocije koje su utkane u svaki detalj. Originalna remek dela ručno se izradjuju i nose u sebi tradiciju, veštinu i strast prema lepoti.

DELIGHTFULL`S lighting reflects a personality, a frame of mind and a strong emotions that are present in each detail.Original hand-made masterpieces transfer the passion and devotion for design and beauty.



Ike Lamp HR


Čiste linije, minijaturni oblici,  ritmična kompozicija sa mnogo crnih detalja podne svetiljke IKE unosi duh luskuza I savršeno kontrastno dopunjuje moderno umetničko delo u plavim tonovima.

Clean lines, miniature forms, rhythmic compositions with many black detail of the floor lamp IKE bring the spirit of luxury and perfectly complements the contrasting modern artwork in blue tones.

Ike Lamp Detail


photo: Brabbu Boca Do Lobo, Koket, DelightFull

sources: Brabbu Boca Do Lobo, Koket, DelightFull, VanityFair, Elle Decor, YouTube, IMDB

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Jane Stone February 14, 2015 - 2:31 pm

Despite the criticism of the movie, the scenario was amazing! Mr Grey’s apartment is beautiful! I loved

Delightfull lighting. http://www.delightfull.eu

admin February 15, 2015 - 10:32 pm

Mr.Gray apartment is fantastic, especially with the artistic pieces of Delightfull Lighting!

KOKET February 14, 2015 - 2:56 pm

Thank you for share our love for design and our pieces! We are proud to see our pieces on the movie!!!

admin February 15, 2015 - 8:47 pm

It was my plesaure to write an article about your fabulous&inspiring pieces in this relly amazing movie set-design. ARCHYSTYLE loves KOKET!

admin February 15, 2015 - 10:50 pm

Dear Eva, thank you! I love ambient, atmosphere & all of the FANTASTIC designed pieces by BocaDoLobo, Brabbu, Koket and Delightfull! I read the Forbes article and it is great! Best regards 🙂


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