Home Arhitektura & Moda PITTI UOMO 2015 _ ARHITEKTURA MUŠKE MODE


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U sudaru renesanse & moderne umetnosti, u okviru inspirativnog ambijenta firentinske tvrdjave Da Basso u prepoznatljivom italijanskom duhu odrzan je od 16 – 19.  juna jedan od najuticajnih modnih dogadjaja sezone – PitiUomo.

When Italian Renaissance crash Modern Art and Man Fashion melt over the walls of  a beautiful Florentine fortress Da Basso you got one of the most influential fashion events of the season – PitiUomo.

Beforesunrise 01

04 zamenska slika

Moda, arhitektura i dizajn koje se medjusobno prozimaju praceni porukom “That’s pitti color!“ predstavljali su svojevrsnu scenografiju za predstavljanje novih tendencija na svetskoj sceni muske mode & aksesoara.

Fashion, architecture and design in stylish interaction with the message “ That’s pitti color! “ represented the extraordinary & one of the most important fashion show of  men’s fashion & accessories.



Carlo Brandelli per Kilgour - 017

Carlo Brandelli, dizajner i kreativni direktor brenda Kilgour, predstavio je svoju viziju mode u okviru Pitti Uomo Dizajn Projekta . Poznat kao umetink koji vesto kombinuje istorisjsko nasledje i savremeni dizajn, osmislio je fantasticnu umetnicku instalaciju koja je bila postavljena prelepom renesansnom ambijentu atrijuma čuvene Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Carlo Brandelli, designer and creative director of the brand Kilgour, presented his vision of fashion in the context of Pitti Uomo Designer Project. Known as artist that skillfully combines historical heritage and contemporary design, created a fantastic artistic installation that was placed in the beautiful Renaissance enviroment of the inner courtyard of the famous Palazzo Medici Riccardi


“For me Florence is the sculpture capital of the world…“ 

Carlo Brandelli for Kilgour- the set - 011

Osmišljena kao savremeni geometrijski odgovor na Florentinske skulpture i bogatu umetničku tradiciju, arhitektonska kompozicija od transparentnih povšina i ogledala  u neočekivanim refleksijama boji Brandelli kolekciju za proleće /leto 2015.

Designed as a contemporary geometric response to Florentine sculptures and a rich artistic tradition, architectural composition of the transparent surfaces and mirrors and the unexpected reflections gives the color to new Brandelli spring / summer 2015. collection.


“To me whether objects or material – it’s the same – it’s about having good geometry.“

Carlo Brandelli per Kilgour - 029

sources:PittiImagine, MansFashionPost, le21eme, Wallpaper


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