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Uz nekoliko njenih pravila dobićete savršeno dizajniran prostor koji je neverovatno raskošan u svojoj jednostavnosti. Spisak njenih klijenata odgovara popisu gostiju Kanskog Festivala uz dodatak porodice Bekam i velikih svetskih korporacija kao što je British Airways…Ne voli da daje lične podatke i intervjue,  ali na svom blogu sa osmehom deli svoje misli, ideje i savete.

With a few of her rules you will get a perfectly designed space, incredibly lavish in its simplicity. The list of her clients is equal to the guest list of Cannes Film Festival plus the Beckham’s and large world corporations like British Airways… She doesn’t like sharing personal data or giving interviews, but on her blog she shares her thoughts, ideas and advice with a smile.


Ona je Kelly Hoppen, harizmatična, zanimljiva, višestruko nagradjivana i izuzetno poštovana britanska dizajnerka enterijera koja pripada samom vrhu svetske dizajn scene.

She is Kelly Hoppen, charismatic, interesting, several times awarded and extremely respected british interior designer who belongs to the top of the word’s design scene.

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Ova rodjena hipi-devojka počinje karijeru sa 17 godina uredjujući enterijere studenskih stanova za vozače trka i glumca Martin Show-a. Njen prvi komercijalni projekat bio je dizajn enterijera restorana Rhodes W1 u Londonu. Tada je po prvi  put je predstavila svoj originalni stil – neutralne boje poda i plafona, mekani materijali u kontrastu sa ravnim linijama modernog nameštaja. Savršeni kristalni lusteri dodaju notu luksuza i povezuju ambijente podeljene jednostavnim prozračnim zavesama.

This born hippie girl starts her carrier at the age of 17 decorating student apartments for rally drivers and Martin Show actors. Her first commercial project was designing the interior of Rhodes W1 restaurant in London. For the first time she presented her original stile – neutral colors of the floor and the ceiling and soft fabrics in contrast to straight lines of the modern furniture. Perfect crystal chandeliers give a touch of luxury and connect spaces divided with simple transparent curtains.

Rhodes W1 _ interior

Nakon restorana usledili su projekti enterijera stanova mnogih poznatih ličnosti, u Londonu, Manchesteru, New York-u… Enterijeri vila u Engleskoj, Rusiji, Thailand-u… Medju njenim najpoznatijim komercijalnim projektima je svakako dizajn kabina prve klase u British Airways avionima, enterijer Royal Mougins Golf Kluba na jugu Francuske, Murmuri butik-hotel u Barseloni…

After the restaurant there were design projects for the apartments of many celebrities in London, Manchester, New York… Interior designs of villas in England, Russia, Thailand… Among her most renowned commercial projects is definitely the design of first class cabins in British Airways airplanes, interior design of Royal Mougins Golf Club in the south of France, Murmuri boutique-hotel in Barcelona…

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Već sam umorna od vikanja na majstore na gradilištu. Svi žele sve i svi žele da sve bude odmah završeno, tako da je ovaj posao konstantna bitka.



Murmuri Butique Hotel _ room ambient


Najbrži posao koji je ikada uradila je kuća za porodicu Beckham u Los Angeles-u. “To je bilo pravo čudo i za šest nedelja sve je bilo završeno iako , iz nekih nepoznatih razloga, mi živimo u društvu u kome ništa nije na lageru“ ljutito komentariše Kelly.

The quickest job she ever did was the house for the Beckhams in Los Angeles. “ We pulled it together in six weeks; a miracle. For some reason, we live in a society where nothing is in stock “ she adds crossly.


Kelly Hoppen MBE Launches New Book Design Masterclass At Belgraves Hotel

Njen tim stručnjaka i izvodjača redovno leti sa jednog kontinenta na drugi jer se svaki završen objekat ili stan – održava u smislu dodavanja ili popravljanja čak i najsitnijih detalja u enterijeru, jer baš ti detalji čine suštinu svakog projekta. I pored toga što je poznata kao dizajner enterijera domova holivudskih zvezda kao što su Anthony HopkinsElton John and Gwyneth Paltrow, ona nije arogantna i hladna, ona je samo glamurozni zaljublejenik u tople neutralne boje i organski stil koji prenosi sa jednakom strašću na dizajn “običnih“ predmeta koji su dostupni u robnim kucama širom sveta.

Her team of experts and constructors regularly flies from one continent to another because every object or apartment is being maintained by adding or fixing the smallest details in the design since those details are the essence of every project.  Even though being famous for designing Hollywood celebrities homes e.g. those belonging to Anthony HopkinsElton John and Gwyneth Paltrow, she is not arrogant and cold. She is just a GLAMOUROUS enthusiast for warm neutral colors and organic stile that is being transmitted with equal passion to the DESIGN of “normal” pieces that are available in home stores all over the world.

K_acessories couture


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Izbor stila u dizajnu enterijera je slično kao kada birate skup komad garderobe. On treba da savršeno predstavlja vas & da odgovara vašem ličnom stilu savršeno kao rukavica



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….. pročitajte više                                                                                                 

sources: Kelly Hoppen, Vogue, Wikipedia, Telegraph , House Beautiful 

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